Nott - Loki's Youngest Daughter
A teen witch who controls the darkness in the form of a dark cloud that follows her everywhere. She fights with chaotic magic.

Vali - Loki's Youngest Son
A teen werewolf who doesn't depend on a full moon to shape-shift. He fights with teeth and claws.

Lofn - Loki's Favorite Child
She is a trickster like her father and able to take any shape she desires. She fights with guile and subterfuge.

Fenrir - Loki's Giant Werewolf Son
Imprisoned by Odin and Thor, his escape signals the beginning of Ragnarok. He is impervious to all magic.

Hel- Loki's Giant Daughter
Queen of the Dead warriors who are rejected by the Valkyrie. Her magic consists of chains of binding and the song of death.

Jormungandr - Loki's First Born
He is the world serpent who wraps around Midgard. He appears when Ragnarok has begun. His very touch is poison.