Book 1 - Series: Nowhere
Nowhere: Going Nowhere
Between here and there is a magical place called Nowhere.
Aint Alyce, a homeless woman with a mysterious past, finds a snowy white baby in a garbage dumpster after his momma up and thrown him away. Nestled down in the basket with the boy was a jet black kitten that would scratch you as quick as she’d look at you.
10 years later, Therow Naway is a ten year old boy who has lived his entire life in a cardboard box house hidden in a wooded area of New York City’s Central Park. Every morning before breakfast, he and his cat Scratch help Aint ALyce hunt for treasure in the garbage dumpsters that fill the back alleys. After breakfast they do Tai Chi with Mr. Nyte and his extended family on the Great Lawn before they trade in their treasures at Mr. McHattie’s Pawn Shop. In the afternoons Therow and his three best friends, Scratch, Hyro and Matttie study letters and numbers in an abandoned tenement house with an eccentric teacher, Mr. C Pillar who is known as the Prophet. The Prophet tells his students unbelievable stories about a magical land called Nowhere. Therow loves hearing stories about Nowhere even though he knows there is no such thing as real magic.
Then on a blue moon night, Aint Alyce is abducted by an evil creature who calls himself Mr. Undertaker and taken to the abandoned Insane Asylum. Therow’s less than extraordinary life is turned upside down and inside out when he and his friends set out to rescue Aint Alyce. But all is not what it appears to be and Therow will have to battle an army of evil creatures if they are to save Aint Alyce.
Ages: Tweens, Young Readers Publication Year: Coming Soon
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